Thursday, 18 February 2016

Book Review: Soundless by Richelle Mead

Soundless by Richelle Mead is set in a village who's people can't see and are slowly going blind. For food, they have to send down what they mine down a zip line and the less they send down, the less food they get. With the limited food and people going blind things are getting desperate. Until one day a girl wakes up with her hearing. 

While I did enjoy this book, I did finish it in a day after all, I found it to be a bit slow going and this stopped me from really loving the book. It wasn't very action packed in the first half of the book. It was just talking about what was happening in the village though what the girl was seeing and what she was going though along with her sister. Luckily it was only 260 odd pages long, so instead of thinking this is going to take a while, I was thinking, is this going to be a series?

It did get better. Once it got a bit more interesting I really got into it and I couldn't put it down. I ended up reading the last 80 pages in bed before going to sleep. 

Would I go out and recommend this book? Probably not, but if someone asked me what I thought, I would probably say it was slow going at first, but I did enjoy it p.

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